Here are the words that give you the keys for the freezing of all grappling technique:
"Learning a technique and to examine all aspects, including set-ups, attacks, the position of the body, timing, balance, the counters and recounters. Get your teachers, classmates, the Internet media and educational materials.
The repetition makes smooth. Smooth is fast.
Isolate technical sparring. Start with the smallest, less experienced person in the club. If the technique always works to go further and try to second smaller or the second person is less experienced. Repeat.
In the debate, to observe the problems that came with the techniques. Then take time for analysis, reflection and discussions with the trainers and then you have to train.
Home » Review Technique » Tips on Mastering Any Jiu-jitsu Techniques
Tips on Mastering Any Jiu-jitsu Techniques
12:04 AM
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Bandung - How To Develop your skill by Knowing Main Principles,
Review Technique