If your opponent using Closed Guard, then you must open the opponent's feet (his guard). After the opponent guard opened, you must control the hip, and then eventually you can pass his guard, under the direction of or around the opponent's feet.
Similarly, if you are in the position of vice versa, that is you are doing and under closed guard against the opponent.
What I do is normal:
"As soon as I feel that opponents try to control my hip, then I switch to emergency situations. At that time I push the head, I do bridging, and pushing my legs ... I do what I need to do to get my hip to be free again ".
I admit that before, I too let my opponent to control my hip. Consequently, I try to do is put their efforts when they make a passing guard, not 'seriously'
on the previous earlier (the prevention measures passing guard), namely the fight to get the hip and legs free.
Since that day I guard techniques has increased. I think that most of the improvement is due to get a foot and free my hips early, and try not to allow my opponent to move forward and thwart my opponent plan on guard passing.
Do not let your opponent control your hip!
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