"If you get in a street fight, never attempt a submission when you first land in any position. Focus entirely on establishing control and exhausting your opponent's energy and only once they are totally drained should you shoot for the submission."
-R. Gracie
A large part of jiu-jitsu is using your weight to immobilize your opponent; "crushing the bug" as it is sometimes referred to. When done properly, the application of your body weight from the top position can be enough to submit your opponent by making it impossible for him to breath. Even if your opponent doesn't actually tap out, one of these diaphragm chokes can take much of the wind out his sails and reduce his will to fight.
A barrier to learning the nuances of body positioning and weight distribution necessary for this level of pinning is that most people have no way to gauge the effectiveness of what they are doing. In today's newsletter I'm going to share the ABC method of teaching weight distribution, a powerful way to get immediate feedback on the effectiveness of your pins.
Imagine being back in school and writing a test, with a teacher standing right behind you. Would you score higher on that test if your teacher were to give you encouragement, saying "yes, that's it", whenever you started writing down the right answer? Of course you would - getting immediate feedback always helps your performance.
So try this:
Start out by pinning your partner in side mount or knee mount - these are the two easiest positions to initially apply this in. Now get your partner to slowly recite the alphabet, saying "A, B, C, D...", out loud. If he is able to speak easily then there is something wrong with your positioning; most likely you are putting too much weight onto the mat instead of onto your opponent.
Now adjust your position: try getting off of your knees, lifting your elbows, shifting your weight from his belly onto his diaphragm, etc. When it becomes hard for him to breathe and his recitation starts to sound labored - "A..... gasp....B.....gurgle........c-c-c....." - then
you've got it right!
If you're an instructor teaching a class then give the ABC method a try. It makes for a very effective demonstration, because it leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that the pinning position is, in itself, an offensive weapon.
Stephan Kesting