"The threats you will encounter while sparring are very different from the threats that you will encounter in a real fight. Focus on perfecting the techniques that you will need in real combat and never forget the primary training objective – street effectiveness."
R. Gracie
Having felt the journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu myself, I couldn't imagine how someone could build such a valuable foundation of skill and knowledge without gaining that drive to reach, and to surpass, and to excel. How could anyone not aspire to the ultimate goal of black? In my short time, I have developed such a love of the game, its intricacies, and its practicalities that I, myself, will never give it up. How long it takes for me to get there is of no consequence.
So, I did some digging on the matter. After all, one of the most important facets of the road to blue is the longevity of the warrior. One must truly wish to stick it out, and must also be apprised to the many gains, both mental and physical, of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The first item to be addressed is patience. Many have heard the token saying "patience is a virtue", and in the case of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, this couldn't ring more true. This is not a path which can be travelled overnight. Far too many find themselves in a sprint to the finish line, only to learn that they haven't the fuel to finish the trek. This is one of the most common reasons why practitioners of BJJ do not last, trying to win it all over night and burning out. Allow yourself the rest you need to remain whole. This includes the rest of the mind.
One of the most highly overlooked items on this journey is the true understanding of fundamental techniques. It is not about how many taps you get, or about how often you win. Rather, it is about having the knowledge and capability to reach into the toolbox and to retrieve an answer. This is the essence of blue, and this takes time, regardless of how much you abuse your body and your mind.
The second is, as I previously alluded to, stressing the fundamentals. Far too many make the mistake of feeling like their instructors are gauging them solely upon how often they are forcing their opponents to tap. Because of this, many over develop single aspects of their game, instead of seeking improvement in the areas which they are not as formidable.
Keep this in mind, a skilled instructor can pinpoint progress with extreme accuracy based upon many other items, such as how you move, what you are looking for in your escapes, positions, submissions, and so on, how much energy you are exuding, and your form displayed in executed moves.
Your mind is far more applicable to the path, than is your prowess on the mat. In fact, sparring while in your dojo should be a way for you to explore your options, play with technique, and seek improvement, as opposed to providing a place where you are simply looking to win.
Most of all, seek to adapt in style and in technique. The beauty of Jiu-Jitsu is in its progressive manner, as well as its adaptation to the character and mind of its beholder. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu works for us all in its own way, and in our own way. Procure, if you can, a training partner to ensure that you receive the time, outside of the academy, to apply to specific areas of you game. This will allow you the opportunity to mold a game unique only to you. And most of all, have fun on your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It has so much to offer, and ultimately, you will find yourself at a place where the mind, the body, and the spirit come together.
Source: Benicio Cruz
Can't wait to practice! Budi