Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Bandung - SPRINTS AND POWER

Hi Again

It's day three of of my four day fitness blitz. I'm hitting the
conditioning hard this week because I want to be ready to get back to
the mats next week. I've often said that conditioning is critical for
grappling, because if you're tired in a match then all your technical
knowledge, timing and fighting spirit goes right out the window. In
fact this topic was among the very first posts on my blog four years

I've already done lots lot of anaerobic and muscular endurance
exercise this week, but strength is important too, so today I shifted
gears. Today's goal is to increase (or at least maintain) my strength
and power, so that means doing a few multi-joint exercises with
heavier weights, fewer repetitions, and more rest between sets.

When it comes to conditioning, I often feel frustrated when reading
about other people's workouts. I think it comes down to voyeurism and
competitiveness. A vague description of someone's exercise routine.
something like "he stays in shape by running, biking and lifting
weights", doesn't really tell me anything. I want to know exactly
what exercises they do, what kind of weight they use and how many sets
and repetitions they manage to achieve.

So that I'm not guilty of the same sort of vagueness I've been sharing
my workout routines in detail this week - go ahead and be competitive
and voyeuristic. I'm not saying that you should do the exact same
routine as I do, but if knowing what my numbers are motivates you to
to exceed me at everything then some good has come of these posts.

As a sidenote I'm guessing that after I share my workouts from this
week, half of the readership will think that I'm incredibly strong,
and the other half will probably think that I'm pretty slow and weak.

by Stephan Kesting