Cardio: Tabata Sprints (fast and shallow)
I started with a gentle jog for 3 or 4 minutes. Then, with the
treadmill set at 1.5%, I did 12 sprints of 20 seconds on the
treadmill, taking only 10 seconds of rest between sprints. I was
trying to maintain a constant level of effort throughout, so I dropped
the speed of the treadmill every 3 sprints. My treadmill speeds today
were 11.5, 11.5, 11.5, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10, 10 and
10 (miles per hour).
Tabatas are a funny exercise. If you're doing them right the first
couple of sprints feel relatively easy, and you start thinking that
you're going to breeze through the whole thing. Then, at about the
fourth or fifth sprint, it's like "whoa! I hope I'm going to able to
make it through to the end". This feeling of worry takes me by
surprise every time I do Tabata sprints.
author : Stephan Kesting
Home » Science » Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Bandung - Cardio: Tabata Sprints (fast and shallow)