Hip Movement is not Important?

I think in almost all types of sports, the movement of the waist is very important. If the Brazilian jujitsu, the waist is important points in a technique you become more effective. The locks to enter including, slash, prevention techniques passing guard the opponent. For example, when beginners can not escape from the situation pinning (bottom), about 80-90% of movements that are less well-waist is a major factor of this problem.

"Errors are most often done by beginners (Brazilian jujitsu) is the movement of the waist is less or even not moving."

The waist movement is quite easy to do or be called "bridging, or kayang". That starts from the position lie and do bridging with the heel with each thigh. Then, lift your shoulders as from the floor. Point the weight is on your shoulders and feet.

And a movement is the "shrimping or Ebi," where the drill of this movement toward the waist to the side.

If you can do two of this movement several times a week, then you will progress very rapidly in your Brazilian jiujitsu skills.

Are you ready to make this movement with the actual conditions after you learn bridging and shrimping? Not yet ...! Learning how and when the timing is right to do this movement, a movement that does not take a moment. For example, just because you can make a wallop in baseball does not mean that you can make direct home run hit.

But, when you start considering the mechanism of your body, that will create a foundation that will be developed to all your games in the Brazilian jiujitsu.

Movement from the waist is key to almost all Brazilian jiujitsu techniques, and if your waist is not static then you are Brazilian jiujitsu.