True Inspiring - BJJ Lady with One Leg

Since I had always enjoyed the groundfighting, I decided to take the opportunity and went to a BJJ school when I moved to Jakarta. Getting beaten thoroughly by white belts told me I had come to right place.

At any rate, proper BJJ training develops the same qualities as other sports-oriented martial arts, namely endurance, fighting spirit, pain tolerance and the ability to improvise.

Here's a video that I watch not long enough after I joined at Synergy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It's very inspiring me to practice more diligent.

This is a great video. Sure, the Machado's and the Gracie's can all teach us something. But I think this little woman speaks the loudest by simply hopping onto the competition mat.

Courage, determination, heart. All present. She did a spectacular job given her situation. It's the fighting spirit that she has to continue to train and compete despite her very serious handicap.

I always watch this video when I get lazy.

"When you win, you win. And when you lose, you win."