The Best Fight Secrets That May Save Your Life

If we use the word "fight secrets", we're not necessarily talking old, which are surrounded by secrecy and has shown that something for the elite.

Most secrets fights are "secrets" because they are generally neglected and not often to be talked.

I'm on the shared struggle to share secrets with you.

Moreover, guess what - even if I use the free dissemination of this technology over the Internet, it remains a mystery, because most people never had a report on the effectiveness.

The secret of fighting is....(Musics please!)...... The ear SLAP!


It does not seem funny if it's yours.

You see, the proper conduct of the ear can slap in the face of the balance of the opponent, which is stupid and in pain.

The mystery of the ear is slapping in the face, that the hand must remain somewhat loose and cut. It does not have the same effect if they are flat and stiff.

Once the attacker is on your hands (or says that they intend to do this), something that you can rock and blow landed directly on her ear. Thus the disorientation and very unpleasant - that you have enough time to escape or further with other techniques.

Take your time, your technical slapping. Practice it in front of a mirror, and, if possible, on the shoulder of the partner. Enter the hand slightly, on average, about your own ear, to an impression of the desired effect.

It is much easier to learn than a punch, and in a few minutes you will be a slap master.

Another good thing about the slap in the face that it significantly reduces the risk of damage to your own hands. It is very general to the people to break bones a little out of hand with the thumb suggests (this is one of the reasons for the boxers wear gears).

The ear is a simple and effective against a secret, anyone can.

Familiarize yourself with this. You never know which this can help in a difficult situation.